Power You Can Trust


The loss of power in a hospital would be devastating, but when a critical power installation is not straightforward, it means developing bespoke and workable solutions that meet all project requirements. Leading power generation provider WB Power Services (WBPS) is continuing to show that it is a leader in its field by providing sophisticated solutions that meet the backup power requirements for major installations, following the successful completion of a multimillion-pound project for a hospital located in the South West of England.

Working with a third-party building services contractor, WBPS was asked to scope, design, install and commission a critical power solution with the objective of providing valuable back up power for a hospital if a power failure occurred.

The project requirements were not only challenging but called on WBPS to devise bespoke strategies to enable the project to complete on time whilst delivering a range of services. The installed solution comprised of incumbent equipment removal, civil works and the installation of 2 x 1650 kVA Kohler-SDMO generating sets in an existing plant room. These were installed along with accompanying ancillary equipment such as fuel management solutions, plant room attenuation equipment, exhaust systems and full commissioning/testing.

Comments WBPS Managing Director, Andy Wilmott: “There were several pieces of the jigsaw to complete with this huge project, with each element dependent on the success of the other.

The Project Team overcame huge challenges with issues around space and access, but by implementing a bespoke solution, which included the removal of the old generators, we were able to meet the exact requirements of this project, delivering a complete solution on time and on budget.

Thanks to WBPS’s operations in the used generator market, a buy back price for each incumbent generating set meant that the client benefitted from a reduction in its overall costs. Importantly this added the key element of sustainable practice, in addition to steps made to clean and de-gas the existing bulk fuel tanks prior to removal, ensuring their efficient use when utilised in the future. Removed equipment included:

WBPS is the largest Kohler generator distributor in Europe and experts in identifying the most suitable machinery required to meet the requirements of individual projects. This resulted in the installation of two 1650kVA Kohler-SDMO, three phase, prime rated generator sets on-site in the existing plant room. Utilising the ComAp IGNTC-BB synchronising control panel, the sets were installed with additional bespoke work, in a restricted space including:

  • Automatic lubricating oil replenishment system
  • Fusible link released fire valve
  • Enclosed spring anti-vibration mountings
  • Optima red top (AMG) batteries (duty/standby)

One of key considerations for the project was 24-hour access needed to the hospital site for incoming emergency aircraft. Therefore, the new twin-wall exhaust system had to designed in such a way to prevent accidents. WBPS located these to exit the room adjacent to the discharge attenuators, with the addition of three aircraft warning lights plus lightening protection.

Finally, with a capacity of 121,600 litres, WBPS designed an intricate fuel management solution comprising of four fuel tanks. Acting as an immediate fuel source, they were installed below the air inlet attenuators, within a concrete wall which offered additional support and protection. And to always ensure easy access for engineers, the tanks were installed with a tank access ladder with a platform between providing leverage to the manways and level switches.

Andy Wilmott concludes: “This huge project has literally made the difference between life and death for patients using this hospital. The work that went into this project not only will secure the power of the whole site using best in class generators and technical expertise from the WBPS team.”