Do you own a generator connected to the distribution network? If yes, you must confirm compliance to the Energy Networks Association by 1st September 2022, otherwise you could be the subject of enforcement action. To register and submit your compliance declaration, click here.
From this date, all owners of non-domestic power generation (installed before 1st February 2018 & between 11kW and 50MW capacity) need to ensure their generators are compliant with ENA EREC G59/3-7. These changes have been made to the distribution code to make the loss of mains protection less sensitive. Generation owners are encouraged to review their LoM protection settings now to ensure they are compliant before the deadline.
The Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme was designed to incentivise owners of electricity generators to become compliant with mandatory system updates.
The programme is a joint initiative with National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO), the ENA, distribution network operators (DNOs) and independent distribution network operators (IDNOs).
All owners of non-domestic power generation (installed before 1st February 2018 & between 11kW and 50MW capacity) need to ensure their generators are compliant with ENA EREC G59/3-7.
The requirements do not apply to domestic and similar generation that has been connected under EREC G83. It only applies to generation connected under EREC G59 before 01 February 2018, or in the case of type tested solar PV inverters, before 01 July 2018.
If you would like any advice with your declaration, or need some assistance, please give us all call on 0115 9444 422 or email us through our website contact form here.