A HV generator or a high-voltage generator can range from 1,000 VAC to a limitless power/output and is a powerful diesel source. Ideal for providing a high source of electrical power in prime, standby and continuous modes, a HV generator lends itself to large-scale operations such as construction and sites looking for a back-up solution. One of the major benefits to installing a HV generator into your business operations is the reduction in power wastage. In lower voltage generators, power loss is quite considerable during transmission, however, a higher voltage generator reduces this waste over time. Designed to use power more effectively and efficiently, a HV generator will have a greater upfront cost, but will work to drastically reduce your power wastage by up to 70% compared to that of a lower voltage generator. At WBPS we can supply high-quality, high-performing HV generators. To find out more about how they can be used to benefit your organisation, speak to one of our experts today.
Showing 37–43 of 43 results
T1540 1540kVA Kohler-SDMO Generator
Engine Mitsubishi Prime kVA 1400 Prime KW 1120 Standby kVA 1540 Standby KW 1232 -
T1650 1650kVA Kohler-SDMO Generator
Engine Mitsubishi Prime kVA 1500 Prime KW 1200 Standby kVA 1650 Standby KW 1320 -
T1650C 1650kVA Kohler-SDMO Generator
Engine Mitsubishi Prime kVA 1500 Prime KW 1200 Standby kVA 1650 Standby KW 1320 -
T1900 1900kVA Kohler-SDMO Generator
Engine Mitsubishi Prime kVA 1727 Prime KW 1382 Standby kVA 1900 Standby KW 1520 -
T2200 2200kVA Kohler-SDMO Generator
Engine Mitsubishi Prime kVA 2050 Prime KW 1640 Standby kVA 1650 Standby KW 1320 -
T2200C 2200kVA Kohler-SDMO Generator
Engine Mitsubishi Prime kVA 2000 Prime KW 1600 Standby kVA 2200 Standby KW 1760 -
T2500 2500kVA Kohler-SDMO Generator
Engine Mitsubishi Prime kVA 2275 Prime KW 1818 Standby kVA 2500 Standby KW 2000